I Saw a Worm

I saw a worm today.

On the ground.



It was a big worm.

But it was dead.

Squashed dead.

This pretty much ruins my day. I mean all I was doing is walking to my bus stop, minding my own business, watching my step because the sidewalk has many missteps, and what do I see?

A worm.

Big worm.


As you know, I hate worms. They are so gross, moist, disgusting, and all around icky. Every time I see one of these critters, it just disheartens me.

I guess it was good that this huge worm was dead. I mean if it was still alive, there would be still be a chance that it could crawl into my room, slither inside my ear, and eat my brain. Now that possibly is gone for this worm. But to see the guts and the mushiness everywhere was so not pleasant. Yes, dead is better. But seeing it dead, not much better.

It is such an awful way to start the day. I hope I can rally and make this day work out. But it will take a lot. I may need to buy a candy bar or maybe put on my new Game of Thrones shirt to turn this day around. But honestly, it probably will be all for naught.

Because of the worm I saw.

Big worm.

On the sidewalk.



Squashed dead.